domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

“The Fifth Element”

The movie “The Fifth Element” is about the appearance of evil in millions of years and the one weapon that can destroy it which is the fifth element and a woman. Through the movie this evil entity appears and a priest is quick to comprehend that the time has come to destroy evil by the creation of the weapon composed of the fifth element”. However, evil has its helpers that intend to not let the weapon be created. The fifth element, by a miracle survives the attack on the spaceship that was brining her to earth in order to save the human specie. But she doesn’t trust in the people surrounding her and so runs away to meet a taxi driver that used to be in the military but has retired. The taxi driver brings the fifth element to the priest and together they embark on a journey to save the world for Evil itself by surpassing some obstacles. In the end, the world is saved and the fifth element and the taxi driver fall in love.

The movie is sci-fi because of its elements of technology in it. Such as the space ships used, the existence of flying cars, Martians, etc. However, the existence of Evil and the Fifth element are not necessary explained by science. The movie is quite entreating and funny, due to Ruby Rhod who is played by Chris Tucker. I liked the movie but I thought that the fifth element shouldn’t have been a woman especially a woman that falls in love with the other protagonist, for this makes the movie predictable and it becomes a cliché. There is one moment in the movie, when they were about to save the earth, that the fifth element learns about all the wars and the horrors done by mankind that she starts to wonder if mankind is worth saving. At the end she decides it is worth because of love, such as the one of hers and the taxi driver. This moment is very important because it can leave the viewer wondering about all the horrors and the beauty in the world; making him/her realize that mankind, as everything else, is simply a clarooscuro in which light sometimes overcomes dark and vice-versa.  And that it is up to man to generate light as to overcome that darkness. 

lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

Science Fiction

Science Fiction is a narrative genre based on scientific progress and its consequences (technology, mutations, etc.); which is why most of the time this genre has a futuristic tone to it. Some examples of science Fiction are:
  • X-men (mutations)
  •  Star Wars (All types of technology in far away galaxies that are inhabited by aliens.
  • Frankenstein (The use of electricity in the creation human beings)
  •  20.000 leagues under the sea (A voyage under the sea before submarines existed)