sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012

“2001: A space Odyssey”

“2001: A space Odyssey” is about how evolution on earth depends on monoliths which are tall, thin and black rectangular objects. The movie implies that it was there object that gave mankind the ability to reason. It is shown how after being in the presence of the object some hominids suddenly learn to use weapons in order to hunt and defend themselves form their enemies and how to walk upright.  Suddenly the movie moves forward million of years for suddenly there are spaceships above Earth controlled by men. There is a space station where a Doctor Floyd meets with other astronauts in order to go to the moon. On the moon he meets with a group of scientist that have discovered a magnetic object that was deliberately buried into the moon millions of years ago.  The object is a monolith identical to the one found by the hominids but when the scientists get close to it, the monolith suddenly emits a loud signal. 

The movie changes setting once again and is now set is a spacecraft in Jupiter with different astronauts that have not learned about the existence of monoliths. The main members of the group are Frank, Dave and HAL9000 (“the perfect computer”).  But suddenly, the computer starts acting in an unusual manner clamming that there technical problems where there appeared to be none. The astronauts begin to be suspicious and start to consider the possibility of deactivating HAL. HAL fails and puts the members of the crew in danger but he won’t let Dave deactivate him for he knows what he is going to do. HAL claims to be acting in such a way because the mission is too important to let it be jeopardized by humans. However Dave does find a way to deactivate HAL and is able to eliminate his memory. Suddenly a video appears on the screen in the video Dr. Floyd explains to the secret purpose of the mission that was known by HAL 9000.  It is then told to Dave that the signal from the monoliths was sent from Jupiter but anything else regarding this object remains a mystery.  In Jupiter Dave finds another monolith that aligns with the moons and ta light appears and then Dave begins to move through time and space until he finds himself in an odd room where an older multiple version of himself resides and the monolith is in the center of the room. Dave is then transformed into a fetus in a sac that floats into space; the movie implies that Dave will be the next big step in evolution. 

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