viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Midnight in Paris: The assignment.

Zelda Fitzgerald:

Women are an undermined genre for they are said to be weak and only useful in domestic activities. However, this is not true and women have the obligation to prove that this belief is false but to do so they must not believe the lie themselves. Women have to fight for greatness and recognition; they have to fight harder than men simply because they are women. The fact that women have to work harder should not be an obstacle but an impulse to achieve importance. My husband is quite a famous writer (F. Scott Fitzgerald) but I will not let myself be defined as simply his wife for I am more. I have the ability to create art just like he does, I can write and dance. Society looks upon women as the mere companions of the different male figures but I will never fit into this classification because I will not let myself accept it. And so I do everything that pleases me whether it is seem as appropriate or not. I drink and have fun and, honestly, why shouldn’t I? I never cared about what people thought or said and I’m not going to start now. I am the only judge that matters in my life and I am trying to prove that women are higher than what they are thought to be. But I can’t do this on my own and so I am inviting different women to portrait their talents and abilities, to not let their men defined them and have fun for life has no value and becomes incredibly dull without a little fun. 

1 comentario:

  1. I love the way you've characterized Zelda's persona! Well done!
