viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011

Writing Strategies



If I could have three wishes I’d be confused as to what to do with them. However, after some thinking I’ve realized that I would be between two kinds of wishes: wishes beneficial only to myself, and wishes beneficial to others and myself. It is hard choosing only three wishes because the possibilities are endless. But I think I would choose those beneficial to others and myself (my community) for my own wishes are much more essay to achieve and they wouldn't be that great if compared to the other things I could do. Besides the wishes and dreams that people have for them selves they must be achieve on their own. And it is only then that these desires have their  full value for if they are not earned then they do not belong to the person who might have found or encounter them.  There for, if I could have any three whishes they would be: that finally there could be peace in the world, that there would be no more violence (no matter what might justify it) and that all children could be happy. But I would also work hard on my own wishes so they could become true. 

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