sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

Iconic character of the Roaring Twenties

Coco Chanel

“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.
- Coco Channel

Coco Chanel is probably the most important fashion designer the world has ever seen; she is considered one of the most important personalities of the Twentieth Century. Chanel’s cloths represent the 1920’s for many different reasons. But at the same time it could be said the 1920’s represent Chanel’s clothing because her designs, at the time, were completely innovative and went against the ideas that society had for women clothing. However, Coco Chanel represents mostly the positive aspects of this era, which makes her extremely more exciting. Chanel designs didn’t accept the so-called “Victorian Values” and so her clothing was refreshing and new. She was inspired by the ideas of: masculine clothes on women, more revealing pieces than used before, comfortable yet elegant clothing. The innovations that Chanel gave to cloth affected women beyond their wardrobe. Because in the 1920’s women did feel more free and independent, as a consequence to Chanel’s new style. Chanel is said to have invented the “flapper look” which was what liberal and mostly show girls wore.  Chanel clothing helped women gain their freedom and their right to have fun but that was not all the effect Chanel had in the 1920’s. For her designs were usually accompanied by big and ostentatious jewelry, or the illusion of jewels, which could represent the vivacity and progress of the time. Coco Chanel was a legend whose clothes helped shaped historical moments and affected women’s closet, actions and thoughts. Her brand is still very famous and desired nowadays and her designs also affect women of this time period.

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