domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011

Death rituals:

  •         Sutee or Self- Immolation: It was a traditional Hindu ritual practiced in India, in which when a man died the bride will voluntary be burned alive next to the corpse. This was practiced because the culture believed that husband and wife could find each other in the after life. 

  •   Tibean Buddhist Sky Burial/ Jhator: This ritual is practiced in Tibet and the Buddhists do it. In this ritual the bodies are left alone for three days, wrapped in white cloth, and then a group of monks cut the body in many pieces.  And then the body is feed to the birds near the region. This is done because the culture believes in reincarnation and therefor the body has no real importance so it might as well be used for Jhator; which means giving human parts to a bird.
  • Space burial: Obviously this is a modern death ritual and the cost of it depends on how far out of space the body has to be taken. For this to happen the body has to be cremated first.  With this kind of burial the body, its ashes, are supposed to linger around the universe forever. 

Taken from: Knight, David. “The 5 Creepiest Death Rituals From Around the World”. Cracked. 05/08/ 08. Web. 30/10/11. < >

1 comentario:

  1. You've chosen three death rituals that are very distant in terms of our western beliefs. It is interesting to see how, despite the strangeness of some, they are still considered sacred to those who practice them. I encourage you to improve the citing of sources using MLA. Your blog is very complete and interesting to read; keep it up!
