miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Literature and Journalism

Literature: It is a way of communicating with aesthetics, it is an art, that might be fictional or non- fictional.

Main characteristics:

  •      Words, feeling, technique.
  •      Creative meaning. The creative of the author.
  •       Might be the reflection of a historical period.
  •     Can be oral or written.
  •      Narrative styles.

Journalism: It is a way of communicating based on events, facts, events and it targets an audience. It is a profession that looks for the answers of specific questions.

Main Characteristics:

  •       Research of events.
  •      Responds to the questions: When/ Where/What/Who/Why/How.
  •     It responds to true events.

The union between literature and journalism is called: Literary Journalism, which appears “In Cold Blood” by Turman Capote.
Literary Journalism: Some elements of literature combined with the rigor and research of journalism. 

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