miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012


  1.            What motivated Capote to write? Capote wrote because it helped him express himself in a world that didn't understand his ways. He was misunderstood form the very beginning and that gave him the strength to stand alone. But that lonileness drove him to write which gave him independent form the outside world and helped him explore and become himself. He also started to write with the objective of wining a prize in some local contest organized by some club that held parties on sundays that gave away free food.  
  2.                   What kind of stories did he write? Capote began by writing stories of what was going on around his town, the interesting activities of his neighbors. Capote was writing gossip about the people that lived nearby  and so his stories could produce certain scandals in the small town he used to live in. 
  3.            What are his influences? Capote was greatly influenced by writers such as: Virginia Wolf, Henry James, Hemingway, Flaubert, Maupassant, Mansfield, Proust, Chokov,etc. For as he said it himself when talking about technique: "Henry James is the maestro of the semicolon. Hemingway is a first-rate paragrapher. From the point of view of ear, Virginia Woolf never wrote a bad sentence." Or when he was imagining himself a big author he would compare himself with those writers: "went around staring at myself in mirrors and sucking in my cheeks and thinking over in my mind, my lad, you and Flaubert—or Maupassant or Mansfield or Proust or Chekhov or Wolfe, whoever was the idol of the moment."

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