sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012

Letter to Truman Capote

I just finished reading the first chapter of your well-known book “In Cold Blood”. After having learnt the story and the motivation that drove you to write the book. I have first to congratulate for your brilliant idea of creating a Non- fiction novel based only on facts that eventually changed in some degree the general notion of journalism and literature. The process of investigating must have been exhausting but I must say that it paid off for you ended up creating a novel that has credibility. Although I must say that I don’t believe that EVERYTHING in the story is 100% true. For I believe that when writing the author gives to the story subjectivity through his way of writing. As a writer, you are known for the use of rhetorical devices, which cause reality to be transformed into an esthetic point of view. I think that this was done unconsciously and that it was your intention to make the book completely true. And you did as far as it could be done, the writing of the book included incredibly solid research and verifiable information, for literature is not part of reality.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge you for creating a new type of writing that is completely based on true events and then when brought down to words it becomes art. 

1 comentario:

  1. I am positive that Capote would very much appreciate your compliments!
