jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012


“All the President’s Men” is a movie from 1976 in which the story of how reporters Woodward and Bernstein uncover the details of the Watergate scandal that leads to President Nixon’s resignation is portrayed. This movie and its story are directly related to the creation of a new type of journalism. Woodward and Bernstein started to look into the Watergate story with the point of view of ordinary journalism (investigating events and facts and responding to: when, where, what, who, why, how.) But soon they figured out that the story they were after was no ordinary story and then they had to expand their vision and explore a further than common journalism would. These reporters had to do a exhausting investigation and research of facts, they had to deal with enormous obstacles that included putting their lives in danger. What they did was journalism but an innovative type of journalism for uncovering the Watergate story meant incriminating the most powerful men in the world and looking for something that seemed impossible to find, for it was unimaginable for it to have happened. 

I believe that the Watergate story is quite amazing for it represents so many powerful things that sometimes are underrated. Reporters Woodward and Bernstein, with very few resources, were able to stand against one of the most powerful governments of the world and win. Their victory shows how truth can prevail and how hard work and dedication can payoff, even when it seems impossible for it to happen. The articles published regarding this matter are a prove of the power within the written world, for it with it that two unimportant reporters defeated one of the most powerful man in the world, the President of the United States. And created one of the biggest scandals ever on the United States that caused the President to resign his position. The determination of two ordinary people and their written work made all of this possible and that’s why the Watergate scandal is so important aside from all of what it meant and caused. 

1 comentario:

  1. I am happy that you have understood the relevance of these journalists' quest in such a way. Well done!
