viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Multimedia story.

I think that this multimedia story is quite original and nice. It incorporates very nice technology that is use in making the viewer participate in the story being told. Through the site there may appear many activities that include the reader and make him understand what is being told in a deeper way, such as having the spectator participate with their ideologies by other types of social networks, such as Facebook. The story is about a very controversial topic: hippies and their role in society. Through the story there is a certain atmosphere that assists in the telling of the story. In the story there may appear different pictures, quotes or texts that may be consider scandalous but that is the idea of the story, present a group of people that do not give a damn. This site is a great example of a message portrayed via different mediums that are complementary and not redundant in a web site making the story interesting and compelling while still being informative.

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