viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

Why writers write?

Writers write because they have the need to express themselves. While writing all kinds of events can be expressed, such as: life-changing moments, ordinary moments, moments defined by chance or choice, etc. For some authors writing can be consider a healing process that allows expressing feelings and understanding them so the writer can eventually move on. Writing may appear as the consequence of reading and admiring other authors, because then the true power of the written word is shown.  Writing gives the possibility to make a special moment in mortal (to materialize them) or to make an ordinary moment special. With writing the writer explores himself and his surrounding with a special point of view. The writer writes because he beliefs himself to have a good story to tell, a story that is both a lie and truth. A truth because no matter the genre of the story, the writer will always put something of himself in his work and a lie because no matter how realistic the story may be it will always have fictional elements. In other to write the writer must like this activity and have a story with a message that must be expressed. 

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