sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011

The Cut-Up Technique and Postmodernism

Postmodernism narrative is known for its deconstruction and the different multiplicities within a single object. The spectator is needed in the story, there are no boundaries between the artist (creator) and the viewer and their identity is interchangeable. The Cut-Up technique is postmodern because it takes different elements and puts them together even if they don’t make sense but these fragments are positioned in an specific order which causes that those pieces, that are not connected, end up telling a story though a form of artistic representation. The video is a representation of the cut-Up technique and therefore it is a postmodern discourse. Throughout the video the narrator kept changing its point of view, there were many different stories being told at once   (multiplicities) that are not coherent independently but that are organized in a way that allows the different stories to develop at the same time and they are all connected by audio and images. For the video to work it also needs the viewer to understand the story otherwise it wouldn’t make sense and the piece of are will just become a bunch of different images thrown together.

The Cut-Up technique is an exemplification of postmodern art principally because of the idea of multiplicity within a single object and the concept of deconstruction. The video represents the Cut-Up technique and demonstrates why this technique is considered part of postmodernism. In fact it could be said that the Cut-Up technique has been able to succeed for its context and the ideas promoted by postmodernism since it is this art movement that allows the artist and audience to interact by work of art that is both meaningless and meaningful. 

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