sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

Memory in "Inception"

In the movie Inception by Christopher Nolan the role of memory in the individual is explained. This movie is about a group of men that have the ability to enter dreams and therefore get information out or in (inception) these dreams. Thus the movie explores memory within the contrast of dreams and reality. Memory is a key factor in the decisions and actions each person commits. In the movie memory is what drives the characters towards their actions whether it is a correct  (faithful to “reality”) o incorrect memory (Unfaithful to “reality”). These actions might be right or wrong by they follow a specific objective created by memory; that can be from the past, a dream or what could have been. In the movie memory is the reason behind each action and what decides the course each actor takes.

In the movie memory is the cause of why entering dreams is possible and then gaining information from them or performing inception. Memory is what separates reality and dreams but at the same time it is what connects them and may cause confusion regarding them. Memory is the reason why dreams affect reality and the other way around. It is the memories each person contains that make up who he is, how he relates to others and why he acts on a certain way. Inception displays memory as one of man’s most important features that might be the cause and reason of every detail (important or irrelevant) in each individual's life.

1 comentario:

  1. I agree with you in terms of how the movie explores memory as blurry and in a way unreliable. I believe another good movie that explores these issues is "Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind"; would you agree with me?
